Business Appraisal

Business appraisal involves determining the value of a profitable property complex of a business. When determining the value of a business, the value of all the assets of the company is calculated: machinery, real estate. Warehousing, financial investments, intangible assets. In addition, the efficiency of the company, its previous, current and future revenues, development prospects and competitive market environment are evaluated separately. Based on such a complex analysis, the evaluated company is compared with other similar companies and a real business evaluation is made.
What is needed to evaluate a business?
A business valuation is necessary not only to execute a buy-sell transaction and calculate its mortgage value but also to evaluate management decisions. In the main case, the goal is to increase the value of the company.
What kind of business do we value?
- Valuation of the enterprise
- Investment project evaluation
- Factory evaluation
- App evaluation
- Medical clinic evaluation
- Assessment of the gas station
- Hotel evaluation